When a guy likes you, the feeling is usually fantastic, but now that you've got one, you're not so sure about him. So, here's how to make a guy forget about you.
So it's a little unexpected that some ladies are interested in learning how to make someone lose interest in them. Really interesting to think. However, we've all experienced at least one encounter where someone is genuinely interested in us, but we don't feel the same way about them.
You may have been interested at first, but after getting to know this person, you realize you're not a good match. While you are aware of this simple feeling of incompatibility, expressing them on the other hand is more difficult than you’d expect.
How to make a guy forget about you
Just don't tie this guy up in knots. You should cut the ties if you don't want anything to happen between you two. I know this may sound harsh, but if you want to send him a clear message that you're not interested, simply go ahead and tell him exactly what you mean.
But since that seems a bit difficult, here's what you should and shouldn't do if you're wondering how to make a guy lose interest in you. You don't have to traumatize him just because you don't like him.
Ready to know what to do to make a guy dislike you? Let's get this journey started.
1. Know exactly what you want
We've seen people say they're not interested in a guy, then try to make him jealous and play hard to get weeks later. You should know for sure what you want and decide by being honest with yourself.
Yes, he likes you; however, do you like him? That is the question.
If you’ve always secretly liked him back, then let him know. If you are not, then decide and don’t play games with his heart.
2. Inform him that you are not interested
When a guy likes you, he is not going to suddenly lose interest in you overnight and as such will be expecting you to express your feelings toward them.
Since you are not interested, simply tell him you're not, just be honest and straightforward about your feelings. Sure, it could bruise his ego a little, but it's preferable to him chasing you around with no idea where he stands.
3. Meet face-to-face if you feel at ease.
Hey, I’m not advising you to meet up with your stalker and inform him that you aren't interested. Of course, your level of comfort with him will dictate how you speak with him.
Meet with him and tell him how you feel, especially if he is a friend and someone you respect. I understand it's difficult, but it's possible to leave an opportunity for miscommunication or even lead him on without realizing it while communicating via text or phone.
4. Don't make unnecessary and lame excuses
We understand that no one wants to talk about this. What's worse is if you're having this talk with a guy who likes you and you're not being really honest.
We understand that you don't want to be harsh, and you shouldn't be, but you also shouldn't make up excuses. These justifications will only make him feel worse and will not provide him with the closure he requires to move on with his life.
5. Be straightforward
You don't have to list all of his flaws or tell him everything you like and dislike about him. You should also avoid giving him a five-minute spiel on how you've been feeling, etc. Let's get right to the subject.
Don't prolong his misery because you both know what's coming and the quicker you do it, the better for both of you.
6. Allow him to express himself
He might respond with something of his own. Don't turn him off.
Allow him to express himself by telling you how he feels. He'll be able to get everything he wants to say off his chest this way, and the process of moving on will be much simpler for him. Those who do not receive closure find it difficult to move on.
7. Be friendly when you see him
He's not infected with anything; he's just a guy you're not interested in. Act warmly with him unless his behaviour scares you.
But don't be overly kind. When we know we have injured someone, we overcompensate. And this can cause the lines to be blurred all over again. Be kind, but keep your distance.
8. Failure to express gratitude
Most guys would like to be acknowledged if he opens doors for you, buys your flowers, or does anything else pleasant for you. If you don't even notice his efforts to make you happy, he won't be happy either, and you know what that means.
9. Taking a long time to respond to text messages
It irritates everyone when someone takes an eternity to respond to a text. When they do that, what message are they sending?
It implies that you are unimportant to them and that you have more important things to accomplish than converse with them.
10. Drama
Guys despise drama. If you're continuously picking fights or getting worked up about little things, he'll grow to dislike you.
In conclusion
As you already know, there are numerous methods to making a man lose interest in you. We're not advising that you deviate from your usual routine to get rid of him, but if anything on this list reminds you of yourself, you might be able to let him go sooner rather than later.
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